Communication Skills

“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."

Communication is one of the most important functions of management. It may cement an organisation or disrupt. It promotes professional’s efficiency and induces the human elements in an organisation to develop a spirit of cooperation. It has become one of the most vital factors in the efficient performance of management.

Corporations with large number of people and various levels of hierarchy often struggle to manage business communications effectively. Therefore, there should be effective and continuous communication between superiors and subordinates in an organization, between organizations and society at large.

SkillsPlus Communication skills enables you to master the most important communication techniques and to enhance confidence and clarity when communicating different messages.

What will you learn in this course?

  • Identify barriers to communication and ways to overcome them
  • Lear different forms and methods of communication and know how to apply the most effective one in each situation
  • Understand your own communication style and the impact you have on others
  • Know how to communicate across cultures: apply the rules of verbal and non-verbal communication with different nationalities
  • Raise self-awareness in communication process: How do you sound? What message you send across? What to expect from a receiver?
  • Enhance confidence when communicating with internal and external customers and stakeholders
  • Rephrase blunt phrases to prevent offensiveness and increase your ability to provide effective and genuine feedback on each level in the organisation: manager-employee, employee-manager and employee-employee
  • Learn the Transactional analysis in communication and how to change modes of it when needed – enhance assertiveness
  • Improve the active listening skills in communication process and understand the ‘unspoken message’ – ‘read between the lines’
  • Develop a robust action plan to improve your communication skills in live business challenges

Who is this course for?

The course provides communication skills training for individuals wishing to develop their interpersonal skills and build rapport with others in the workplace. The training covers effective communication strategies to enhance understanding and verbal communication with others.

This course is targeted at employees, supervisors, middle managers and senior managers seeking to take their communication skills to the next level by developing advanced communication techniques and strategies.

Learning methodology

  • Face to face or webinar
  • Group discussions
  • Individual and team activities
  • Individual test
  • Case studies
  • Practical activities
  • Role plays
  • Small projects
  • Video recording/play back
  • Individual action plans