Work-life balance

“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”

In today’s fast paced business world, the ability to achieve work life balance is becoming difficult. Employers expect more from staff, and we are increasingly putting additional pressure on ourselves to achieve greater results. As employees and the general population have become more connected to each other with the use of technology, social media and mobile devices, it has become increasingly difficult for many people to separate work from their personal lives. Maintaining work life balance is not only important for your personal health and relationships, but it can also improve the efficiency of your work performance.

SkillsPlus Work-Life Balance Training will help you to manage your time efficiently at work, so you produce better results. It also assists you to focus on prioritising tasks, setting accurate and achievable goals, and communicating better with peers at work and family members at home.

What will you learn in this course?

  • Understand the benefits of a work-life balance and recognise the signs of an unbalanced life
  • Identify the resources you can use to reach balanced lifestyle
  • Identify the roles and activities which require different levels of attention
  • Manage daily stress by learning how to control work, induced adrenalin and its effects on productivity
  • Learn how to improve the quality, control of life and effectiveness
  • Master time management skills and goal setting
  • Adapt relaxation techniques to enhance focus of your mind
  • Find the most effective work methods for you and successfully cope with anxiety
  • Improve workload management with practical techniques and approache

Who is this course for?

This course is ideal for professionals that work in environments which are mentally and physically demanding. The course is also suitable for people who wish to improve their work-life balance by adopting healthier work habits and lifestyles. Mangers, Team leaders, directors.

Learning methodology

  • Face to face or webinar
  • Group discussions
  • Individual and team activities
  • Case studies & Practical activities
  • Role plays
  • Projects
  • Video recording/play back
  • Individual test & Individual action plans