Managing Remote Teams

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

Regardless if your technology and offsite setup is top-notch, managing a remote team is not an easy success. In our current working climate – adjusting to our new normal of work from home due to COVID-19 lockdowns and quarantine – team leaders need to be proficient at driving geographically spread individuals into a unified team unit, despite having limited or no opportunity to build relationships face to face. In fact, in today’s increasingly challenging economic climate, managers are under renewed pressure to create a high-performing team without expanding their carbon footprint.

What will you learn in this course?

  • Effectively manage team dynamics in remote and virtual teams
  • Understand the possibilities available from having a remote team
  • Identify and overcome the challenges faced when managing remotely
  • Help a team achieve a sense of purpose, vision and shared values, so that their work makes sense and they see their place in the bigger picture
  • Develop the ability to motivate and influence within a remote team environment
  • Best practices for tracking off-site employees’ performance and progress
  • Learn how to coach, counsel and mentor your remote workers from afar
  • The top 10 ways managers “build or kill” off-site employee trust
  • Know how to manage the flow of information for clear communication
  • Learn how to handle off-site power struggles, politics and employee conflicts
  • Develop a robust personal and team action plan

Who is this course for?

Professionals of all levels who are part of remote working culture or preparing themselves to lead remote teams. 

Learning Methodology

  • Face to face or webinar
  • Group discussions
  • Individual and team activities
  • Case studies & Practical activities
  • Role plays
  • Projects
  • Video recording/play back
  • Individual test & Individual action plans

